Member-only story
I. Why Pytest
1.How do we choose a test automation framework
2.What pytest got to offer
II. Pytest signature features
Pytest fixture
Pytest parametrize
Pytest CLI
III. Pytest plugins
Pytest-rerun failures
I. Why Pytest
1.How do we choose a test automation framework
A test automation framework should be capable of handling different types of test : UI test, API test, Contract test, Unit test( for developer)..
It should support basic features like : reporting , parameterized, screenshot capture (UI test)
Below is a list of features that we consider automation framework should support:
- fine grained test selection mechanism that allows to be very selective when you have to choose which tests you are going to launch (tags)
— parametrized
— high reuse
— test execution logs easy to read and analyze
— easy target environment switch
— block on first failure
— repeat your tests for a given amount of times
— repeat your tests until a failure occurs
— support parallel executions
— provide integration with third party software like test management tools
— integration with cloud services…